Friday, January 20, 2006


okay friends,
I made our now-famous veggie chili the other day, and we ate it yesterday, and let me just say something:

Thank the Lord for RoTel.

It never occurred to me just how much work is saved by those little cans with their green labels.

It also never occurred to me that chopping and removing the seeds from green chiles would cause my fingers to burn/tingle for many many hours.

AND, finally, it never occurred to me to leave some of the seeds in because RoTel definitely has a little spice and this chili required a lot of spices to make up for that.

But it tasted really really good.

I have some left over, but I'm sick today and probably shouldn't eat that, as much as I want it. boo for throwing up.

I can't wait to get home from Italy and try this olive tapenade. It sounds good. The one I have made before has pine nuts in it, so I'm glad to see this doesn't--cuz we don't have those here. boo for no pine nuts.

I hope y'all are cooking a lot because I need to read about more adventures! And post some pics of you two in the kitchen or eating or something. :-)


At 2:37 AM, Blogger noe said...

rotel is also hard to find in the north (we used to mail it to my aunt who lives in connecticut) although now there are many other canned tomoto varieties that are similar from del monte and hunts and what not, though nothing is as good as rotel... of course, since you can't really get canned anything over there, that defeats the purpose... i wonder what would have made you fingers stop burning... do you think it's the same as when your tongue burns so you need to stick them in milk of beer? i dunno, i think every kitchen needs a pair of surgical gloves and goggles for the cutting of peppers and onions... otherwise my eyes are sure to suffer... this is the longest comment ever... i guess i should shut up now...

At 2:38 AM, Blogger noe said...

i meant to say milk OR beer, not of... also i just remembered, amy tried to kill me with a can of poisoned tomato sauce, it spit at us when she went to open it... creepy weird!

At 9:57 PM, Blogger em said...

i feel your tingly finger pain. the first time i ever used a jalapeno a few years ago to make a salsa i didn't know that i probably shouldn't touch the insides, so i didn't protect my hands while i cleaned and chopped it. it was agony for hours and sadly i had touched my face before i realized what i had done. thankfully, not my eyes. i think i tried every method ever suggested for stopping the burn, but nothing seemed to help but time. peppers should just come with protective gear.

At 3:55 PM, Blogger Amy said...

Yes Noell, I tried to kill you, even though I might have taken myself out with the same crazy can.

And ick to spicy things (especially those that are put in dishes for the unsuspecting soul... ahem)


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