Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Yummy Oliveness

Noell and I went to a great restuarant in Charlottesville after I picked her up at the airport in Richmond on Saturday. There we had, among other muoy tasty things, an olive tapenade with goat cheese on toasted bread. Not surprisingly, Noell said we could make it at home and so on Monday we did!

I get to post this (even though Noell developed the receipe) because it's my new favorite food... well, that and because I did the intensive smushing the olives labor.

tasty olives - about a cup worth
olive oil
fresh garlic (a couple cloves)
sea salt/kosher salt (a pinch or two)
fresh ground pepper (to taste)

If your olives aren't pitted, take a large knife and smush the olive so you can take the pit out with more ease. You might want to do some smushing of the garlic too while you're at it.

In a blender, or a food processor, or a mortar and pestle, add the garlic, olives, and salt. Blend/process/pestle. Add olive oil a little at a time until mash is the right spreadable consistancy. Add pepper to taste.

Get some toasted bread, goat cheese, and enjoy!


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